“Ectopic Wonderland”, a unique party by Ectopic Society
THE 3RD AFTER CONGRESS PARTY - 22 March at Casa del Retro
On Friday, February the 23rd 2024, at 9:00 am, the Arena Platoș slope in Păltiniș opens its gates to host
The second edition of the awards gala for the performance of Romanian dentists will take place in December 2023. A competition judged by a dedicated commission, approved by the College of Dentists in Bucharest.
THE 2ND APRÈS CONGRESS PARTY - 6th of October in Fratelli Studio 2 Ectopic Society's fifth event and the second edition of the APRÈS CONGRESS PARTY will take place on the 6th of October 2023 at Fratelli Studio 2, 1-3 Goldeni Street, Bucharest.
A new party exclusively for dentists, which will take place in the spring of each year. The theme of this party will always be different, but also original. The design of the poster will suggest the concept of that year's event
On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 9:00 am, the Subteleferic ski slope in Poiana Brasov opens its gates to host the
We invite you to participate in a competition judged by a dedicated commission, approved by the College of Dentists in Bucharest.
The first event signed by the Ectopic Society will take place on October 6, 2022, at the end of the first day of scientific communications within the CMSB Congress.
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